Our history,  His Story

Camp Fire gathering image
的信仰 .
2003 - 2004
2004 - 2006
主耶稣基督死后第三天从死里复活,以后升天,坐在神的右边,并赐下圣灵,住在一切信他的人里面,在凡事上教训我们。 主耶稣基督将来还要来接我们到他那里去。
2006 - 2009
2009 - 2014
2014 - present
2014 - present
Faith .
There is only one God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the three-in-one God. He is the true God who always exists and created the universe and mankind. He is what we believe in and worship.
2003 - 2004
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He shed his blood and died on the cross to bear our sins so that all who believe in him can forgive their sins and not perish, but have eternal life.
2004 - 2006
The Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day after his death, and then ascended to heaven, sitting at the right hand of God, and given the Holy Spirit to live in all those who believe in Him, and teach us in all things. The Lord Jesus Christ will come and take us to him in thefuture.
2006 - 2009
The work of the Holy Spirit enables people to convict, regenerate, and live in the hearts of believers, enabling them to live a holy life, and then serve God and serve people.
2009 - 2014
The head of the church is Christ, and the church is His body, organized by people rebirthed by the Holy Spirit.
2014 - present
All the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God, show God's plan of redemption, and are the highest authority in faith and life.
2014 - present
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· 尔湾迦南基督教会是一所信仰纯正的独立教会,成立于1981年11月1日。
The Irvine Canaan Christian Church is an independent church following true biblical teachings, established on November 1, 1981.

· 1981年11月: 迦南基督教会成立,位于Mission Viejo, California。 后迁至Laguna Hills, California (借用当地一家教会,主日下午聚会)。
November 1981:The Canaan Christian Church was established in Mission Viejo, California. Later moved to Laguna Hills, California ( Renting from a local church, meeting on Sunday afternoons).

· 1989年: 基督徒连合中心成立,位于Fountain Valley, California。 (借用当地学校,主日上午聚会)
1989: The Christian Union Center was established in Fountain Valley, California. (renting a local school, meeting on Sunday mornings)

1. There is only one God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the three-in-one God. He is the true God who always exists and created the universe and mankind. He is what we believe in and worship.
2. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He shed his blood and died on the cross to bear our sins so that all who believe in him can forgive their sins and not perish, but have eternal life.
3. The Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day after his death, and then ascended to heaven, sitting at the right hand of God, and given the Holy Spirit to live in all those who believe in Him, and teach us in all things. The Lord Jesus Christ will come and take us to him in thefuture.
4. The work of the Holy Spirit enables people to convict, regenerate, and live in the hearts of believers, enabling them to live a holy life, and then serve God and serve people.
5. The head of the church is Christ, and the church is His body, organized by people rebirthed by the Holy Spirit.
6. All the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God, show God's plan of redemption, and are the highest authority in faith and life.

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· 1993年3月: 迦南基督教会与基督徒连合中心联合在尔湾 (Irvine, California) 聚会,从此就合二为一,命名为 「尔湾迦南基督教会」,
Irvine Canaan Christian Community Church. March 1993: The Canaan Christian Church and the Christian Union Center joined together in Irvine, California. Since then, the two have been united into one, named "Irvine Canaan Christian Community Church".

· 1998年2月: 为鼓励弟兄姐妹们习读圣经,教会自此时起成立「圣经速读班」,成为一长期的教会传统特色,多年来历久不衰,甚至有人多次参加者。
February 1998: In order to encourage brothers and sisters to study the Bible, the church has established a "Bible Speed ​​Reading Class", which has become a long-term traditional feature of the church. With many repetitive attendees.

Our faith

1. There is only one God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the three-in-one God. He is the true God who always exists and created the universe and mankind. He is what we believe in and worship.
2. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He shed his blood and died on the cross to bear our sins so that all who believe in him can forgive their sins and not perish, but have eternal life.
3. The Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day after his death, and then ascended to heaven, sitting at the right hand of God, and given the Holy Spirit to live in all those who believe in Him, and teach us in all things. The Lord Jesus Christ will come and take us to him in thefuture.
4. The work of the Holy Spirit enables people to convict, regenerate, and live in the hearts of believers, enabling them to live a holy life, and then serve God and serve people.
5. The head of the church is Christ, and the church is His body, organized by people rebirthed by the Holy Spirit.
6. All the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God, show God's plan of redemption, and are the highest authority in faith and life.

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第 三章

· 2004年7月: 于原教会尔湾Murphy Ave,教会先后置入两幢建筑后,因正式改建完成,并设有完善的室内体育场,而举办「献堂记念」。
July 2004: On Murphy Ave, Irvine, after the church placed two buildings, the church was officially renovated and equipped with a complete indoor stadium, and held the "Dedication Memorial".

· 2014年9月:蒙神多次意外的恩典,为兴旺褔音及教会,转迁至此现址Armstrong新堂崇拜聚会。
September2014: After receiving much grace from God's, for the prosperity of the Gospel and e church, the church moved to the current location of Armstrong’s New Hall for worship.

Our faith

1. There is only one God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the three-in-one God. He is the true God who always exists and created the universe and mankind. He is what we believe in and worship.
2. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He shed his blood and died on the cross to bear our sins so that all who believe in him can forgive their sins and not perish, but have eternal life.
3. The Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead on the third day after his death, and then ascended to heaven, sitting at the right hand of God, and given the Holy Spirit to live in all those who believe in Him, and teach us in all things. The Lord Jesus Christ will come and take us to him in thefuture.
4. The work of the Holy Spirit enables people to convict, regenerate, and live in the hearts of believers, enabling them to live a holy life, and then serve God and serve people.
5. The head of the church is Christ, and the church is His body, organized by people rebirthed by the Holy Spirit.
6. All the Old and New Testaments are inspired by God, show God's plan of redemption, and are the highest authority in faith and life.

Our stories in ICCCC...


Stanley Chen


Linda Li


Jolin Zhu


Reflection with ICCCC...


張東籬 陳曾緯

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