You live for this stuff. This is a great place to tell them about it. (In a few sentences. nothing too crazy.) Maybe about this long, or perhaps a little longer. Like this for maybe this. Yeah that's pretty good right
Liling comes from Taiwan, she got baptized at a Taiwan Presbyterian church in June 1997, and she moved to the State joined Irvine Canaan Church in October. She became a full-time secretary at church in February 2006. She is married to Jen Chih Yeh and they have a daughter and a son.
” 耶和华我的磐石,我的救赎主啊,愿我口中的言语、心里的意念在你面前蒙悦纳。”—— 诗篇19:14
“ May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord. My Rock and my Redeemer. “-- Psalms 19:14