
孙爱光 Alice Sun

传道 Minister

You live for this stuff. This is a great place to tell them about it. (In a few sentences. nothing too crazy.) Maybe about this long, or perhaps a little longer. Like this for maybe this. Yeah that's pretty good right about...here.

简介 Bio


Minister Alice comes from Yanbian China, born and grew up as a pastor’s kid. She got baptized in 2000, and came to the State for seminary training in 2013, and felt the call to full-time ministry in 2016.

最喜欢的经文 Favorite Scripture

" 我靠着那加给我力量的,凡事都能作。" —— 腓立比书4:13
" I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. " -- Philippians 4:13

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